Meet The Owner

- “Many hands make light work.”

  • Unknown

I’m Robert Bolden - a.k.a “The Money QB”

Just like you, I work a job + own a business, I’m recently married and we’re preparing for our first child. It’s exciting times in the home and I, too, can feel the pressure that comes from the world from a financial perspective. We’ve sold the truth and bought a lie that material wealth is all that matters in the kingdom.

This is the reason I started this firm - to bring biblical clarity and instruction back into the marketplace for those in the same position as me and make the work we need to do, lighter, for whomever I’m able.

I love it because I get to live it. As I have planned and prepared my life, I hope to also share and walk with you in yours.

I would love to learn how my firm can assist you and your family in achieving your financial goals today.